Finding your inner peace.

Trust me this sounds much easier than it actually is. Inner peace. I thought it would be easy to just relax and go through the day with no intention of harming anyone annoying or throwing a sarcastic remark at a dumb question. This turned out to be more complicated than I thought. I decided to go on a journey to forgive all the people that have done me wrong in my life and all the people that I imagined would die a horrible death. I wanted to purify my heart and be brand new. A Fresh start. I read books on how to calm myself and become centered. I read books on embracing your inner being and allowing yourself to be human. I stretched myself into weird positions while listening to music that sounds like it came from a village in the jungle. I sat on a mat in the garden under a tree, I breathed, slowly. I tried

One thing I am good at is throwing a fit. Seriously if there was a world championship title I would have it consecutively. This however is not something I am very proud of. I have always stood up for myself but I realized that you will shorten your life to a great extend if you go through life expecting a fight around every turn. It’s exhausting to say the least. It’s exhausting to always want to be right. Just step away from the damn argument and be on your way. That is what I am teaching myself at this stage in life.

One thing that is very hard to do especially for me is to bite my tongue. Some people might consider me rude because I open my mouth when injustice is knocking. I can’t handle bad service and will literally burn a building to the ground. I don’t like people that think they are superior because they have a title in a business that they don’t even like and if it wasn’t for the money they would resign. I don’t like passionless individuals that just live to get through the day. I realized I needed to change, not for the people that don’t have passion for the job they are doing but to prevent myself from having a heart attack before I am forty. It was time to accept the things I could not change and you know how the rest goes.

To do a mind shift of such proportions proved to beat me time and time again. Certain days I would have said ten curse words before 09h00 the morning and I would be playing out arguments in my mind that could possibly happen. Other days I felt like I finally understood what inner peace felt like. Inner peace was far from who I was. I was more like a hurricane. I realized that I have to make an effort to be peaceful. Whoever said that peace just comes to you is either drugged or asleep. Peace takes work. Peace takes a lot of thought and harnessing of the mind. Peace means that your emotions need to be handled and they should not handle you and for an emotional and expressive person like myself is damn hard to do. It’s like a boot camp for the soul.

I was determined to find my inner peace. I was certain my little cloud of euphoria was out there and that I to can breeze through life. Peaceful.

How was I going to find peace in this world? This world is anything but peaceful. I just knew I had to try because my poor husband was a nervous wreck and I was becoming more and more unhappy in my life even though I had a wonderful life. I have a fantastic life so why am I unhappy. What is wrong with me? I Think I might be insane. I had everything except peace.

Firstly I learned something that was horrible to accept and to decide upon. Ready for it – MY OPINION WASN’T ALWAYS NEEDED. This revelation slammed me but it was the truth. So slowly but surely I reserved my opinion in conversations. Let me tell you that that is probably the hardest thing you will ever do in your life. I ended up missing half of the conversation because I was giving my opinion in my mind. After a few months of practice it has improved but I still have a long way to go

Then I realized that the world doesn’t owe me. Now I know it sounds mundane, I mean, we all know the world doesn’t owe us anything right. Knowing and believing are two very different things let me tell you. You might know that the world doesn’t owe you but boy, wait till the world gives it to you bad then we perform. Then we blame the world, oh the world is so unfair, oh I just can’t get a break. You know the usual statements that we regularly give. I realized that I had to start believing that the world didn’t owe me. I can say that I have passed that stage and I am a believer!! Hahaha! Bring it world!

I realized that I what I say and how I say something is very important . Because I am rather short I feel the need to elevate my voice in order to be heard. It’s like that small lizard in the desert that stands up when a threat comes close. The bigger you look the more intimidating you will be. I must admit that I have yet to pass this test especially when it comes to bad service. I have however managed to speak in a low and even tone whilst explaining why I am upset to the consultant that clearly has no interest in my problem because it is ten minutes before her lunch break. I could only manage to do this for Three minutes and then my little desert lizard jumped out from behind me and flared up like a tornado. Needless to say, then the consultant did her job quick quick. Nevertheless I am aiming to resolve conflict in a professional and calm manner from now on so now I stay at home and let my husband do the talking as he has far more finesse than me. Win Win. I have managed to control my tongue but possibly my biggest test will be to conquer my facial expressions. I have yet to even attempt this so I cannot comment on how to do this. My face is like a separate planet here dumb things are not accepted. My face is bad.

I realized that I have inner peace. My inner peace comes between 21h00 – 00h0 at night when everything is quiet and I can stare at the stars. My inner peace came from making my husband supper and talking to him about his day. My inner peace is brushing my horse. I have a lot of inner peace especially when I am alone. No drama. The trick came to have inner peace around people.

So until I reach that inner peace stage where it can flow over to people that annoy me or people that I don’t like I have decided to keep sitting under the tree breathing, to keep stretching to keep training my thoughts and emotions until I am finally there. Until then I suggest people don’t do anything stupid!

Have a inner peaceful day

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